I meant i commend them for making their own money instead of preying on their flock by convincing them to donate money even if they cant afford it, then using that money to amass wealth and buy private jets and mansions. It sickens me...
average joe
JoinedPosts by average joe
Millionaire Elder JW umm...wtf?!
by Alostpuppydog inso i know one should remove his own stick from his own eye before ones self judges another, but i noticed something.
it seems that the wealthy witnesses are the elders, the circuit overseers, the governing body... are they really different from any other 'worldly' religions or even organizations?
i mean look at the jewels the friggen pope wears.
Millionaire Elder JW umm...wtf?!
by Alostpuppydog inso i know one should remove his own stick from his own eye before ones self judges another, but i noticed something.
it seems that the wealthy witnesses are the elders, the circuit overseers, the governing body... are they really different from any other 'worldly' religions or even organizations?
i mean look at the jewels the friggen pope wears.
average joe
I know of two elders who refused to join the military and became convicts which prevented them from getting hired so they started their own business. After many years of hard work they now have a successful business and are millionaires. They still have the same modest house and car and you would never know they have money except for some loose lipped close friends.
There are a number of witnesses at the local hall. Dental assistant, some sort of medical salesman 300k a year, 3 engineers i know one is making 150k, 1 well off retired business executive of some electric company, medical assistant, mailman from new york-very well paid here, carpenter owns company works only for rich- very well paid, a few fireman,postman, 2 owners of a paint & body shops, a few more business owners, a few other well paid people. A bunch of regular people with average jobs. I am actually not in a wealthy area the ghetto is only a couple miles away from the middle class area i live in.
The pope is treated like a god and called holy father and people bow to him. He certainly is in a league of his own when it comes to riches and spending money. Man looking at many preachers living on millions of dollars while the people donating money certainly hope for a miracle to pay their bills since they gave the money to the preacher instead.
I certainly commend the witnesses for living on their own money instead of the poor paying for their mansions and extravagant lifestyles. It is interesting that witnesses are mocked for supporting the watchtower and then again for not supporting the watchtower with every dime they have.
Many witnesses are doing some college to get a better job.
The End of False Religion Is Near! HAHAHA
by tootired2care inmemories!
i remember a few years back being involved in the campaign work, and having the distinctly awkward experience of having to hand the householders this piece of sh1t tract "the end of false religion is near!"..
i recall the discomfort i had trying to get into a conversation about this nonsense.
average joe
I know some witnesses and Its obvious they don't want people to die..... nor do they feel joy at the thought of someone dying .. to say so is preposterous. .
Whether right or wrong to spend your own precious free time out in the summer heat offering literature and more of your precious free time for a home bible study add on top of your time the amount of money it costs to pay for gas, food and drinks for the family, dry cleaning etc. My friend says all witnesses are desperately trying to find a bible study or just someone to listen to them. I would think they dont go door to door in this crazy heat spending their own money on the preaching work because they hate people and want to see them die. just my 2 cents.
what new light is there? Is there a place to view new understandings?
by average joe ini keep seeing new light everywhere its hard to keep up with the latest is there a spot where someone is keeping track of it all for everyone to see?.
average joe
I keep seeing new light everywhere its hard to keep up with the latest is there a spot where someone is keeping track of it all for everyone to see?
"Circuits with Congregation Details", Effective September 1, 2016. Official Statistical for Dominican Republic, leaked.
by hildebrando inofficial information of congregations, languages, publishers, elders, ministerial servants, pioneers, special pioners, and names of circuit overseers, all in english:.
bonus track in spanish: all outlines for circuit assemblies 2017, and annual pioneer meeting....
average joe
Oh I am really sorry hildebrando I did not realize my post accidentally implied your site might be unsafe. I have been there many times and never had an issue. When i first logged in the site it came up looking strange and there was a security issue but I think it was just cause the site didn't load properly or some other reason. The site is safe and I didnt need google to tell me so :) Sorry for the bad wording thx dude
"Circuits with Congregation Details", Effective September 1, 2016. Official Statistical for Dominican Republic, leaked.
by hildebrando inofficial information of congregations, languages, publishers, elders, ministerial servants, pioneers, special pioners, and names of circuit overseers, all in english:.
bonus track in spanish: all outlines for circuit assemblies 2017, and annual pioneer meeting....
average joe
hildebrando can you please convert to english or let us download the pages so we can try and convert them ourselves? I can get on the link but i had to tell my browser to ignore the unsafe link. Thx hildebrando..
Branch visit yesterday
by neat blue dog inthere was a special convention yesterday, a branch visit in ghana with david splane as the guest of honor..
average joe
My search comes to 1,300 for round trip economy class
your round trip first class is 9000.
GB travel preferences
by StarTrekAngel ini know this questions has been asked many times before.
this seems to answer it.
although some may question the articles credibility.
average joe
Without a receipt showing the watchtower paid 9000 for the flight this is all speculation.
Honestly, Could the tickets have been purchased by a friend or family? yes....
A copy of the receipt would have proven who paid for the tickets. I prefer to see proof over statements making assumptions about where the money came from.
Albany RC...Trans Union Article. Lots of empty seats!
by ToesUp intimes union jehovahs witnesses assembly.
did anyone attend the albany assembly?
the photos in this article shows many empty seats!.
average joe
whatever arena or stadium is close is usually chosen if an agreement on price and availability can be reached ( reserved well in advance). This means that a sports arena normally used for 14,000 or more may be rented to jws. They will use the the arena to host any number of conventions often renting the building for several weekends in a row per area. One weekend will have many the next less . There are many many conventions in each state weekend after weekend.
All downloads no longer hosted on jw.org
by neat blue dog inwhether it's videos on jw broadcasting or pdfs on jw.org, all downloads used to be archived in-house at "assets.jw.org/" followed by the items name/code.
now clicking a download link retrieves the items from akamai.net, a web services company..
average joe
yeah i agree konceptual99 its not a big deal or a scandel to use outside lawyers its just when i read jw's are outsourcing everything then it catches my attention. I mean they have new top of the line printers that require only a few people to manage.I doubt they would outsource the printing work, I just dont think they would leave that in someone elses hands.
Outsourcing web hosting seems to be a wise decision.
I have not heard they are outsourcing construction though either.